
Why God Cares About Everyone? by Sherif Monem

Why god cares about every one? Is this actually true? What is the proof if any? How god cares about more than seven billion people? Does god spy on every person? every where? every second? how he knows their inner thoughts and their intentions? why good ones get horrible diseases? Why people get severe pain in their body? Why people got calamities and children be orphaned? Why god creates people who are so much cruel who harm other people? What is the purpose of creation to start with? Does god cares about all animals? Why god created insects that harm people? Whay there are illnesses? Why there are hurricanes, flooding, lightings, fires and mayhem? Why god have paradise for joy and eternal fire that burns very cruelly?

God does not fool around with laws of nature

In the Genesis it is implied that God created the moon before the sun. A fanatic Christian says he believe that God can do anything. A total idiot. God created laws of nature and nature follows accordingly. If the moon was created first it would have crashed into earth or lost in space.

God and Nature

It is hard to say there is no god. However many questions arise. One big question does nature has conscious? self awareness? right or wrong? The answer is no and no indication it has. Nature can be very angry and causes lot of merciless destruction and loss of lives of human, animals, trees and plants. Nature was created by god then why god does not tame nature. Despite all that it is hard to say there is no god this will lead to empty heart. Imaginary gods of Christianity and Hinduism

NASA and God

The trips in the solar system opens many questions about faith and God and raises doubts the existence of god. Does god concern is only for the planet earth? A very small just dot in the very, very vast universe.

Did God create other beings through the universe or only in planet earth?

Did God create other beings through the universe or only in planet earth? This question never can find an answer. Justification the universe is vast. Why beings only in this tiny planet called earth?

Does God Change the World Through Laws of nature or Through Miracles?

Does God control the world through his laws which we calls laws of nature? or through miracles that violates nature laws? This a complex question, although through his laws seems the most appropriate answer, however, in the holy books miracles happen and the justification he is most powerful. If such miracles keep happening through all the time then this is not miracle at all but law of nature. July-1-2018

الإيمان أم الإلحاد

كثير من الناس يعتقدون أن الإيمان والمنطق نقيضان، وأن الاعتقاد في وجود إله والتفكير المنطقي مثل الزيت والماء لا يمتزجان، إنهم مخطئون، الإلحاد هو أبعد ما يكون عن العقلانية. بالمنطق يمكن أن تستنتج أن هناك إلهًا. إذا نظرت إلى الكون مع حس سليم وبعقل مفتوح، ستجد أنه مليء ببصمات الخالق المبدع، الله عز وجل. الأشياء تتحرك من الممكن أن نبدأ بفرضية توماس الأكويني، أحد فلاسفة القرن الثالث عشر وأحد علماء اللاهوت. تبدأ الحجة بملاحظة بسيطة جدًا هي (الأشياء تتحرك). ولكن لا شيء يتحرك من دون سبب. لا بد من وجود شيء يسبب هذه الحركة. وأيًا كان سبب ذلك، يجب أن يكون هذا الشيء ناجمًا عن شيء آخر، وهلم جرا. ولكن هذه السلسلة السببية لا يمكن أن تعود إلى الوراء إلى الأبد. يجب أن يكون لها بداية. يجب أن يكون هناك مُحرِك غير مُتَحَرِك لتبدأ كل حركة في الكون: الدومينو الأول لبدء سلسلة الانتقال كله، بما أن المادة المجرد لا يمكن أن تحرك نفسها بنفسها. ميكانيكا الكم  الاعتراضات الحديثة لهذه الحجة، هي أن بعض الأشياء المتحركة في ميكانيكا الكم -الاضمحلال الإشعاعي، على سبيل المثال- ل...